Minimum Bet Index
Fifty Cents Or Less
Demo Currency
Five Cents
Ten Cents
Fifteen Cents
Twenty Cents
Twenty Five Cents
Twenty Eight Cents
Thirty Cents
Thirty Two Cents
Thirty Five Cents
Thirty Six Cents
Forty Cents
Forty Five Cents
Fifty Cents
One Rand Or Less
Sixty Cents
Seventy Five Cents
Eighty Cents
Eighty Eight Cents
Ninety Cents
One Rand
Five Rand Or Less
One Rand Ten Cents
One Rand Twenty Five Cents
One Rand Fifty Cents
One Rand Eighty Cents
Two Rand
Two Rand Twenty Cents
Two Rand Fifty Cents
Four Rand and Fifty Cents
Two Rand Eighty Cents
Three Rand
Three Rand and Sixty Cents
Three Rand Seventy Five Cents
Three Rand Eighty Cents
Four Rand
Five Rand
Ten Rand Or Less
Six Rand
Seven Rand Fifty Cents
Eight Rand
Ten Rand
Fifty Rand Or Less
Twenty Rand
Fifty Rand
One Hundred Rand Or Less
Fifty Rand
Fifty Six Rand
Sixty Rand
Sixty Four Rand
Eighty Rand
Eighty Eight Rand
One Hundred Rand
Five Hundred Rand Or Less
One Hundred and Fifty Rand
Two Hundred Rand
Two Hundred and Fifty Rand
Three Hundred and Fifty Rand
Five Hundred Rand
One Thousand Rand Or Less
One Thousand Rand
More Than One Thousand
Two Thousand Rand
Two Thousand Five Hundred Rand
Five Thousand Rand
Ten Thousand Rand
Twenty Thousand Rand